
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Benefits of Spray Foam Insulation

Moisture and Air Quality
InsulMax-500 eliminates leaks around windows, sills, door frames and the space around electrical and plumbing fixtures. As a result, moisture and mold stay outside the structure where they belong. The air tight envelope InsulMax-500 creates controls the moisture from outside air, daily activities from inside the home and the air conditioning unit.

By keeping moisture and mold outside of the structure and controlling indoor humidity, InsulMax-500 reduces indoor allergens and irritants. It actually creates a healthy environment with better air quality than a structure insulated with traditional fibrous insulations.

1 comment:

  1. Attractive option of the CLC Foaming Agent as a air conditioning unit has been display here with its proper functionality and perfect manipulation.High performance insulation should be occured here on the construction budgeting.
